Your best bet is just to learn how to suffer existence. "What might have been and what has been point to one end, which is always present." I got no interest in who,what,why of your past. In order to know a person u have to know the whole package. It doesn't matter everything resets & people don't remember. We remember, we have to deal with the things we do. This was always a good day here. U got to find ur Irvine. I can survive just fine without u, but there's a chance that this life can be a little less mundane with u in it. What if we get sick of each other? We're already. It's the best.
看的过程中我无数次的发生着失语泪目以及类似触电的情感和生理体验我试图理性地逃避这种带有主角光环的执迷和热血可是又无法否认这种情感和生理体验的真实性与此同时爱情请你滚开第8集这种一边逃离一边代入的self-reflexive的矛盾又被消化在故事体验中因为故事中就描写了这样的矛盾 -- 我感到我在所有的层面上被俘虏了